Attorney at Law

Emily M. Ramage Geltel

Attorney Emily Ramage Geltel has been practicing law in Western North Dakota since 2019. She is highly skilled in numerous realms of law, including divorces, child custody, restraining orders, juvenile matters, and commercial litigation. Emily grew up in Watford City and is thrilled to bring her legal service availability to her hometown area.

Emily is a graduate of the University of North Dakota for both her undergraduate degree (Political Science, magna cum laude) and her Juris Doctorate. As a North Dakota graduate, she understands the specialized legal needs for her clients in Western North Dakota, and brings this wealth of knowledge into her daily practice.

In her spare time, Emily enjoys hiking, biking, camping, and canoeing with her husband, Allen Geltel. Their family operates a family ranch in Grenora, ND and spends lots of time out on the family farm. Emily is also an active community member, and is a board member of the Williston Community Builders, the Williston Pool Action Committee, volunteers with numerous other community groups, and was previously an elected official for the Williston Public School District #1. Emily was also awarded the Williston Herald “Top 20 Under 40” award in 2022 and was named a finalist for the Williston Chamber of Commerce “Community Engagement Award” in 2022. 

Emily looks forward to the opportunity to zealously defend and represent her clients in our region. For a consultation with Emily, please contact our office at: or call 701-651-7055.